American academy of experts in traumatic stress

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about the academy

collaborating with the national center for crisis management

the academy is working with its sister organization in meeting the needs of survivors of crisis situations

certification in traumatic stress & crisis management specialties

the academy offers members the opportunity to achieve certification in 18 different specialty areas

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certification programs

diplomate and fellowship credential

the academy offers members the opportunity to achieve the Diplomate and Fellowship Credential

more info about diplomate and fellowship credentials

education and training

the academy offers members education and training through its affiliated organizations

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the academy deploys members during times of crisis with leading organizations

more about deployment


The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress® is a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma. The Academy in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management aims to identify expertise among professionals, across disciplines, and provide standards for those who provide intervention to survivors of traumatic events. Members are provided with the opportunity to apply for Diplomate (more information) and Fellowship (more information) status. Members can also obtain certification in one or more of the 18 specialty areas offered within the Traumatic Stress Specialties (more information) and Crisis Management Specialties Programs (more information).

The Academy's international membership includes individuals from over 200 professions and specialties in the health-related fields, emergency services, criminal justice, forensics, law, business and education. The international membership includes professionals from across the United States and over 30 foreign countries.

The Academy defines traumatic stress as, “the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, physiological experience of individuals who are exposed to, or who witness, events that overwhelm their coping and problem-solving abilities." The Academy's mission is to increase awareness of the effects of traumatic events and, ultimately, to improve the quality of intervention with survivors.

Traumatic stress has many "faces.” In addition to the devastating effects of large-scale disasters and catastrophes, the Academy is committed to fostering a greater appreciation of the effects of day-to-day traumatic experiences (e.g., chronic illness, accidents, domestic violence and loss). Our aim is to help all victims to become survivors and, ultimately, thrivers.


"The Academy has brought together the best and the brightest to work on better understanding of what it is that occurs during traumatic stress and how to advance clinical applications."

Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., BCETS
Member of Board of Scientific and Professional Advisors
The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Originator and Developer of EMDR

traumatic stress


The Academy offers members the opportunity to obtain certifications in traumatic stress and crisis management specialities based on knowledge, experience, educations and experience.

The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress® in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management® offer members the opportunity to achieve certification in traumatic stress and crisis management specialty areas.

There are 18 specialty certifications which fall into one of two programs: Certifications in Traumatic Stress Specialties or Certifications in Crisis Management Specialties. The specialty certifications are listed below under their respective program headings.All certifications and credentials obtained by members are recognized by both the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and the National Center for Crisis Management. The certificate awarded to successful candidates indicates this dual recognition.

Furthermore, all awarded certifications are included in the member’s profile in the Professional Directory of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, the associations' online directory and referral network. The Professional Directory is available online through a searchable database.

Advanced Academy Credentials: DIPloMATE AND FELLOWSHIP CREDENTIALs

American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress® in collaboration with the The National Center for Crisis Management® offer members the opportunity to achieve Diplomate and Fellowship status with either organization. Members achieving these credentials are recognized by both the Academy and the Center. Furthermore, the achievement of Diplomate and Fellowship are reflected in a member’s profile in the Professional Directory of the National Center for Crisis Management, the associations' online directory and referral network.

Diplomate Status

Members are given the opportunity to achieve Diplomate status with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress or with the National Center for Crisis Management.

The Diplomate distinction is a prestigious credential awarded to members that recognizes their experience in working with survivors of traumatic events and/or crisis management, knowledge, training and level of education. To achieve this credential, members must complete the Application for Diplomate and submit supporting documentation that validates their knowledge, experience, training and education in working with survivors of traumatic events and/or crisis management.

Diplomates may identify themselves using one of the following credentials depending on which organization they achieved their Diplomate status:

Robert J. Miller, M.D., D.A.A.E.T.S.
Diplomate, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management

Robert J. Miller, M.D., D.N.C.C.M.
Diplomate, National Center for Crisis Management
in collaboration with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress

Fellowship Status

The Fellowship designation is the highest honor the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and National Center for Crisis Management can bestow upon a member. This designation is awarded to Diplomates who have made significant contributions to the field and to the Academy or the Center.

To achieve this credential, members must complete the Application for Fellowship and submit supporting documentation that outlines their contribution to the field of crisis management and/or traumatic stress and contribution the Center or the Academy.

Members achieving Fellowship may identify themselves using one of the following credentials depending on which organization they achieved their Fellowship status:

Robert J. Miller, M.D., D.A.A.E.T.S., F.A.A.E.T.S.
Fellow, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management

Robert J. Miller, M.D., D.N.C.C.M., F.N.C.C.M.
Fellow, National Center for Crisis Management
in collaboration with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress

"I think that an organization like the Academy helps us strive for raising the level of quality assurance in the field while promoting creativity and innovation - all with the ultimate goal of being able to better serve people in need.

George Everly, Jr., Ph.D., BCETS, FAAETS
Member of Board of Scientific and Professional Advisors
The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Chairman of the Board Emeritus
Critical Incident Stress Foundation



    Increase Awareness of Effects of Traumatic Events and Crisis Situations on Human Functioning  


    Enable Professionals to Look Beyond Physical and Safety Needs and also Address Emergent Psychological Needs


    Improve the Quality of Support and Intervention and Establish Meaningful Standards Among Professionals Across Disciplines


    Provide Information and Training through it’s Educational Resource Center and Premier Speakers Bureau


    Ultimately to Assist Victims to Become Survivors and then Thrivers

The Academy is multidisciplinary and facilitates different professions coming together under one umbrella. I think that's a great virtue. The cross-pollination that comes from that kid of interaction can only begin to generate a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of traumatic stress as it affects victims and survivors of trauma ... the Academy, with its diverse and international membership, provides a forum for education, training, publication and consultation.

John Wilson, Ph.D.
Founding Member and Past President of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies


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american academy of experts in traumatic stress

post traumatic stress disorder

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