School crisis response can no longer be delegated solely to members of a School Crisis Response Team. Today, crisis management is the responsibility of all educators. This dramatically expanded publication provides a structure and process for effectively managing the wide spectrum of school-based crises. It is an invaluable resource in preparation for, and during, actual crisis situations and continues to serve as a meaningful standard for our nation's schools.

A Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our Schools conveys critical information to assist schools in responding effectively to “everyday crises” as well as school-based disasters. It is an invaluable resource for administrators, support personnel and faculty.

By reaching our school families early with a comprehensive Crisis Response Plan, we can potentially prevent the acute difficulties of today from becoming the chronic problems of tomorrow. The Guide offers:

  • strategies to potentially prevent violent school-based tragedies
  • help to educators to identify students who may be at greatest risk and know when to refer to support staff
  • a protocol for managing crisis situations
  • discussion of practical strategies for addressing the emergent needs of students during times of crisis

Being proactive, we can address the needs of vulnerable students early on, keep people functioning, mitigate ongoing emotional suffering and maintain the educational process. All attendees will receive a copy of A Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our Schools. With over 100 thousand copies in print, this guide is the most widely utilized school crisis response plan in the world. Attendees at the workshop training programs are additionally provided with the opportunity to complete an examination for Certification in School Crisis Response.

The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress offers workshops, presentations and seminars by professionals, across disciplines, who aim to assist others before, during and in the aftermath of a crisis. One of the Academy's missions is to enable all caregivers to look beyond physical and safety needs, and to also address the emotional needs of people during times of crisis. Please visit the International Speakers and Trainers Bureau of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress by clicking here or call Annmarie Arleo, Director of Operations, at 800-810-7550 for more information about training.

A Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our Schools is published by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma. The Academy aims to identify expertise among professionals, across disciplines, and to provide meaningful standards for those who regularly work with survivors. Today, the Academy’s international membership includes individuals from over 100 professions in the health-related fields, emergency services, criminal justice, forensics, law, business and education. Since its inception in 1995 there have been members in every state of the United States and over 30 foreign countries, the Academy is now the largest organization of its kind in the world.

order the guide

Please note that A Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our Schools is only available for online ordering in the United States. If outside the United States, please call 631-543-2217 for ordering and shipping information.



    Increase Awareness of Effects of Traumatic Events and Crisis Situations on Human Functioning  


    Enable Professionals to Look Beyond Physical and Safety Needs and also Address Emergent Psychological Needs


    Improve the Quality of Support and Intervention and Establish Meaningful Standards Among Professionals Across Disciplines


    Provide Information and Training through it’s Educational Resource Center and Premier Speakers Bureau


    Ultimately to Assist Victims to Become Survivors and then Thrivers