The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress recognizes that Chaplains regularly work with people who have experienced traumatic events. In this spirit, the Academy has developed a certification program: Certified Crisis Chaplain. The Academy has expanded its recognized and respected certification criteria assessing a candidate's Knowledge, Experience and Education.
I. General Requirements.
- Membership in the Academy in good standing
- Active involvement in the provision of direct care with people who have experienced a traumatic event
- Adherence to the Academy's Code of Ethical & Professional Standards
II. Knowledge of Traumatic Stress
- Applicant's knowledge of traumatic stress will be determined by assessment of the following
i. Workshops/presentations/seminars attended related to traumatic stress
ii. Intensive training programs attended related to traumatic stress
iii. Supervisory/administrative positions held overseeing other individuals who provide services to people who have experienced traumatic events
iv. Authored/co-authored books or articles related to traumatic stress
III. Experience as a Chaplain
- Have at least two (2) years experience as a Chaplain working with people who have experienced traumatic events
- A description of your professional experience as a Chaplain, including the settings and populations with whom you work
IV. Educational/Training Requirements
- Have completed at least a High School Degree from an accredited institution or its equivalent. A copy of the diploma or final official transcript must be sent with the Application for Board Certification
- Education/training has relevant course work related to working with people who have experienced traumatic events
V. Professional Credentialing as a Chaplai
- Must be certified by a recognized certifying body of Chaplains. A copy of this certification must accompany the application for Certified Crisis Chaplain.
- The Certification Review Committee (CRC) reserves the right to waive criteria (a.) if the applicant's denomination does not have a recognized certifying body.
Applicants who fail to demonstrate that they have met the requisite criteria for Certification will be informed as to the reason for denial. The candidate will be given a second opportunity to provide additional supportive documentation.
Members achieving certification as a crisis chaplain may identify themselves using the following credentials:
Robert J. Miller, B.A., C.C.C.
Certified Crisis Chaplain
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management