Before Deployment
Green Cross Academy of Traumatology recommends the following before you are deployed.Those being deployed need to be prepared for any contingency. They should be able to put their affairs in order in a short period of time. GCAT offers a checklist of issues that need attention prior to deployment:
- immunizations are up to date
- health insurance is up to date
- insurance cards and information should be taken with you during deployment
- prescriptions are filled and available during deployment
- necessary medications are available in excess of what is needed for the expected period of deployment
- financial matters are in order and someone is familiar with your finances in case you are deployed for a longer period than expected
- arrangements are made with your employer
- childcare is arranged
- appointments and other obligations that fall during the deployment period are rescheduled or cancelled
- arrangements are made for care of your pets
- family members have been prepared for the eventuality of your deployment and have been briefed on the current situation
- a will has been prepared and appropriate people have been advised
- arrangements are made to hold mail and newspapers (if necessary)
The Academy also recommends:
- if a mental health provider, patients/clients are dealt with appropriately, there is a covering practitioner in case of emergencies and patients/clients are made aware of how to contact the covering practitioner
- ensure that your mobile phone service covers the area where you are being deployed
- check with your health insurance to know who are covered medical providers in the area where you are being deployed
- reacquaint yourself with the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burn-out
- make sure you are psychologically prepared for deployment
Those who are deployed do so at their own risk and responsibility. The Academy and GCAT are not responsible for the healthcare of individuals who are deployed.